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HW Knowledge/Dell Technologies

R730/VLT0204-voltage is outside of range. 경험

by 스쳐가는인연 2017. 2. 20.

예기치 않은 시스템 다운을 겪고, 부팅에 실패한 상황에, 전면 LED 패널에 "The system board voltage is outside of range." 메시지 출력

Model: R730

System Event log -------------------


The system board BP1 5V PG voltage is outside of range.

The system board fail-safe voltage is outside of range.


전원 관련 모듈 점검이 필요한 상황


- SB

- Backplane Board

Urgent: The system board BP1 5V PG voltage is outside of range.

