Virtual Connect - Port Protect - Pause Flood Detected
기존에 Virtual Connect 운영하던 환경에서, VC의 firmware를 3.x에서 4.x로 업그레이드 후
사용하던 특정 Device Bay의 서버가 네트워크 통신이 되지 않고,
VCM 상에서 Downlink 포트를 확인할 때, Not Linked/Pause Flood Detected 가 확인됨.
VCM CLI에서 아래와 같이 명령을 통해 확인해도 됨,
VC # > show port-protect
Enclosure Information:
Enclosure Type: BladeSystem c7000 Enclosure G3
Onboard Administrator #1 information:
Product Name : BladeSystem c7000 DDR2 Onboard Administrator with KVM
Firmware Ver. : 4.01 Aug 24 2013
1. Ethernet
Product Name: HP VC Flex-10/10D Module
Firmware Version: 4.01
Port Protection Features
Protection State
networkLoop Enabled
pauseFlood Enabled
Ports in Network-Loop or Pause-Flood Detected Error Condition
Server Port Interconnect Port Protect Type Profile
enc0:4 1 enc0:1:d4 pauseFlood -- --
enc0:4 1 enc0:1:d4:v1 pauseFlood Profile_04
enc0:4 1 enc0:1:d4:v2 pauseFlood Profile_04
enc0:4 1 enc0:1:d4:v3 pauseFlood Profile_04
enc0:4 2 enc0:2:d4 pauseFlood -- --
enc0:4 2 enc0:2:d4:v1 pauseFlood Profile_04
enc0:4 2 enc0:2:d4:v2 pauseFlood Profile_04
enc0:4 2 enc0:2:d4:v3 pauseFlood Profile_04
Overall Domain Status : Minor : One or more of a domain's subsystems are not
properly operating, causing a slight impact to domain functions.
Status Cause : Domain contains abnormal enclosures and profiles
Root Cause : Port enc0:iobay1:d4 pause-flood detected and automatically
disabled; Port enc0:iobay2:d4 pause-flood detected and automatically disabled
DB #4의 포트에서 pauseFrame의 과다 발생으로 Pause-Flood protection 기능에 의해 자동으로 Disabled 된 상태
Title: HP Virtual Connect for HP BladeSystem Enclosures - What Does a Port Status of "Not Linked/Pause Flood Detected" Mean in Virtual Connect Manager?
Advisory: (Revision) HP Virtual Connect - Servers Transmitting Excessive Pause Frames May Cause Virtual Connect Uplink Port To Experience Channel Flapping, Stacking Link Removal and Server Communication Loss
Recommendation :
Action Plan 1.
What: Upgrade NIC firmware and driver
Why : pauseFrame의 이상 증가를 없애기 위해
HP Service Pack for ProLiant
2013.09.0 (B) (10 Sep 2013)
Action Plan 2.
What: Reset Status
Why : DB #4의 통신 재개를 위해
1. OA에서 Device Bay 4 Reset
a. Shut down the server in DB #4.
b. Log in to Onboard Administrator with Administrator privileges using the OA CLI.
c. Enter the command reset server x, where [x=bay number].
OA # > reset server 4
d. Confirm that the user wants to reset the server blade.
2. Re-enable the disabled ports on the VC interconnect modules using one of the following methods:
Use the "reset port-protect" CLI command.
VC # > reset port-protect
Action Plan 3.
What: Reset Status
Why : DB #4의 통신 재개를 위해
1. Device Bay #4 포트의 통계치 초기화
a. VCM - Hardware > Interconnect Bay > Server Ports >
b. Port d4 > Detailed Stats/Info of Phy NIC >
c. Detailed Statistics : Port d4 - Reset Statistics > Refresh Statistics
2. Detailed Statistics : Port d4 > Port Statistics > Dot3InPauseFrames: "0" 인지 확인
3. Dot3InPauseFrames의 상태 변화 일정기간 모니터링
Action Plan 4.
What: Flow Control 기능을 사용하지 않음으로 변경 (비권장)
Why : pause frame으로 인한 port protection 동작을 막기 위해
VC # > set port-protect pauseFlood=Disabled