HW Knowledge/Hewlett-Packard Enterprise

Oneview/DO NOT adding vNIC for separate management traffic

스쳐가는인연 2016. 2. 17. 22:26

OneView Virtual Appliance/DO NOT adding vNIC for separate management traffic

OneView Virtual AppliancevNIC를 추가하여, 관리 네트워크를 사용자 목적에 맞도록 변경 가능한 지?

·    OneView Virtual Appliance


- OneView Virtual Appliance vNIC을 추가하여 사용하는 것은 HPE에서 지원하지 않으며, 이 후 장애 발생 시 HPE에서 기술 지원을 받기 어려움.

- vNIC을 추가 구성하는 것에 대하여, HPE 내부적으로 고려중인 사항은 없음.

- 관련하여 OneView Support Matrix에 명시하고 있으며, 향 후 보다 명확히(to make this clear) 표현될 수 있도록 업데이트 할 예정.


HPE OneView does not support multiple vNICs in the appliance.

HPE's official support stance with multiple vNICs within an appliance:

HPE does not support adding more than 1 vNIC to an appliance and there are no other workarounds to adding multiple vNICs to an appliance.

There are no plans on changing this in the future.


You can "technically" add more vNICs to the appliance, HPE will not support this configuration, nor is it supported in the product.

Please do remove the additional vNIC you added to the appliance to stay within a supported VM configuration.

If you do not, and experience issues that require you to contact HPE Support, they will be unable to resolve you issue(s) until you revert the appliance to a supported configuration.

The only workaround is to make your management VLAN a routable subnet in your infrastructure.



HP OneView 2.0 Support Matrix



The appliance virtual machine (VM) must run on a VM host with ProLiant G7class CPUs or later.

The appliance VM requires the following:

A connection to the management LAN.


