iLO/Intel NIC/iLO cli mode에서 Boot Order 변경
테스트 환경
DL380 Gen9 (Legacy Boot Mode)
- 561T 10GbE NIC
- 560SFP+ 10GbE NIC
1. BIOS에서 시스템에 장착된 NIC를 확인
2. 일반적으로 PXE 부트를 모든 NIC 포트에서 사용하지 않는다.
부팅 지연의 요인이 될 수 있기에, 사용하지 않는 포트의 PXE는 비활성화를 하자.
3. Intel NIC의 PxE 기능을 활성화 - Intel NIC의 경우 일부 파트는 PXE가 비활성화 되어 있다. 아래 내용을
참고하여 확인 및 활성화하자.
Notice: (Revision) HP Intel-Based Network Adapters - PXE Is Not Enabled by Default on Intel-Based HP Network Adapters and the Intel BootUtil Package Must Be Downloaded In Order to Make Networking Modifications to Those Adapters
문서대로 진행하면 어렵지 않게 구성 확인 및 변경 가능하다.
전체 포트를 활성화:
전체 포트를 비활성화
특정 포트를 활성화:
Upgrade, Enable, or Disable Flash with the Intel® Ethernet Flash Firmware Utility
4. 구성을 변경 후에는 Standard Boot Order(IPL)을 확인한다.
혹, Legacy BIOS Boot Order가 비활성화 상태라면 리부팅이 필요함.
(구성한 NIC 포트가 부팅 가능 장치로 인식되지 않은 상태이다)
iLO GUI 상에서도 Boot Order를 확인 및 변경할 수 있다.
Putty와 같은 ssh툴을 통해 iLO cli mode로 접속 후 명령으로 Boot Order 를 변경할 수 있다.
iLO Advanced 2.40 at Dec 02 2015 Server Name: WIN-SQTGC9BOC0N Server Power: On </>hpiLO-> show -all /system1/bootconfig1 status=0 status_tag=COMMAND COMPLETED Sun Jul 31 03:10:51 2016 /system1/bootconfig1 Targets bootsource1 bootsource2 bootsource3 bootsource4 bootsource5 bootsource6 bootsource7 bootsource8 Properties oemhp_bootmode=Legacy oemhp_secureboot=Not Available oemhp_pendingbootmode=Legacy Verbs cd version exit show set /system1/bootconfig1/bootsource1 Targets Properties bootorder=3 bootdevice=BootFmCd Verbs cd version exit show set /system1/bootconfig1/bootsource2 Targets Properties bootorder=2 bootdevice=BootFmDisk Verbs cd version exit show set /system1/bootconfig1/bootsource3 Targets Properties bootorder=1 bootdevice=BootFmUSBKey Verbs cd version exit show set /system1/bootconfig1/bootsource4 Targets Properties bootorder=4 bootdevice=BootFmNetwork1 Verbs cd version exit show set /system1/bootconfig1/bootsource5 Targets Properties bootorder=5 bootdevice=BootFmNetwork2 Verbs cd version exit show set /system1/bootconfig1/bootsource6 Targets Properties bootorder=6 bootdevice=BootFmNetwork3 Verbs cd version exit show set /system1/bootconfig1/bootsource7 Targets Properties bootorder=7 bootdevice=BootFmNetwork4 Verbs cd version exit show set /system1/bootconfig1/bootsource8 Targets Properties bootorder=8 bootdevice=BootFmNetwork5 Verbs cd version exit show set </>hpiLO-> set /system1/bootconfig1/bootsource8 bootorder=1 status=0 status_tag=COMMAND COMPLETED Sun Jul 31 03:11:43 2016 Bootorder being set. bootsource8=BootFmNetwork5 bootorder=1 bootsource2=BootFmDisk bootorder=2 bootsource1=BootFmCd bootorder=3 bootsource4=BootFmNetwork1 bootorder=4 bootsource5=BootFmNetwork2 bootorder=5 bootsource6=BootFmNetwork3 bootorder=6 bootsource7=BootFmNetwork4 bootorder=7 bootsource3=BootFmUSBKey bootorder=8 </>hpiLO-> set /system1/bootconfig1/bootsource5 bootorder=1 status=0 status_tag=COMMAND COMPLETED Sun Jul 31 03:12:02 2016 Bootorder being set. bootsource5=BootFmNetwork2 bootorder=1 bootsource2=BootFmDisk bootorder=2 bootsource1=BootFmCd bootorder=3 bootsource4=BootFmNetwork1 bootorder=4 bootsource8=BootFmNetwork5 bootorder=5 bootsource6=BootFmNetwork3 bootorder=6 bootsource7=BootFmNetwork4 bootorder=7 bootsource3=BootFmUSBKey bootorder=8 |
테스트 환경
DL380 Gen9 (Legacy Boot Mode)
- 561FLR-SFP+ 10GbE NIC
- 560SFP+ 10GbE NIC
1. BIOS에서 시스템에 장착된 NIC를 확인
2. Intel NIC의 PxE 기능을 활성화
3. Standard Boot Order(IPL)을 확인
iLO GUI 상에서도 Boot Order를 확인 및 변경할 수 있다.
iLO Advanced 2.40 at Dec 02 2015 Server Name: DL380G9C5U22 Server Power: On </>hpiLO-> show -all /system1/bootconfig1 status=0 status_tag=COMMAND COMPLETED Mon Aug 1 08:42:48 2016 /system1/bootconfig1 Targets bootsource1 bootsource2 bootsource3 bootsource4 bootsource5 bootsource6 Properties oemhp_bootmode=Legacy oemhp_secureboot=Not Available oemhp_pendingbootmode=Legacy Verbs cd version exit show set /system1/bootconfig1/bootsource1 Targets Properties bootorder=1 bootdevice=BootFmCd Verbs cd version exit show set /system1/bootconfig1/bootsource2 Targets Properties bootorder=3 bootdevice=BootFmDisk Verbs cd version exit show set /system1/bootconfig1/bootsource3 Targets Properties bootorder=2 bootdevice=BootFmUSBKey Verbs cd version exit show set /system1/bootconfig1/bootsource4 Targets Properties bootorder=4 bootdevice=BootFmNetwork1 Verbs cd version exit show set /system1/bootconfig1/bootsource5 Targets Properties bootorder=5 bootdevice=BootFmNetwork2 Verbs cd version exit show set /system1/bootconfig1/bootsource6 Targets Properties bootorder=6 bootdevice=BootFmNetwork3 Verbs cd version exit show set </>hpiLO-> set /system1/bootconfig1/bootsource5 bootorder=1 status=2 status_tag=COMMAND PROCESSING FAILED error_tag=COMMAND ERROR-UNSPECIFIED Mon Aug 1 08:43:10 2016 Failed to set bootorder. </>hpiLO-> </>hpiLO-> set /system1/bootconfig1/bootsource2 bootorder=1 status=0 status_tag=COMMAND COMPLETED Mon Aug 1 19:31:42 2016 bootsource2=BootFmDisk bootorder=1 bootsource3=BootFmUSBKey bootorder=2 bootsource4=BootFmNetwork1 bootorder=3 bootsource1=BootFmCd bootorder=4 bootsource5=BootFmNetwork2 bootorder=5 bootsource6=BootFmNetwork3 bootorder=6 </>hpiLO-> set /system1/bootconfig1/bootsource4 bootorder=1 status=0 status_tag=COMMAND COMPLETED Mon Aug 1 19:31:50 2016 Bootorder being set. bootsource4=BootFmNetwork1 bootorder=1 bootsource3=BootFmUSBKey bootorder=2 bootsource2=BootFmDisk bootorder=3 bootsource1=BootFmCd bootorder=4 bootsource5=BootFmNetwork2 bootorder=5 bootsource6=BootFmNetwork3 bootorder=6 </>hpiLO-> set /system1/bootconfig1/bootsource5 bootorder=1 status=0 status_tag=COMMAND COMPLETED Mon Aug 1 19:32:03 2016 Bootorder being set. bootsource5=BootFmNetwork2 bootorder=1 bootsource3=BootFmUSBKey bootorder=2 bootsource2=BootFmDisk bootorder=3 bootsource1=BootFmCd bootorder=4 bootsource4=BootFmNetwork1 bootorder=5 bootsource6=BootFmNetwork3 bootorder=6 </>hpiLO-> set /system1/bootconfig1/bootsource6 bootorder=1 status=0 status_tag=COMMAND COMPLETED Mon Aug 1 19:32:20 2016 Bootorder being set. bootsource6=BootFmNetwork3 bootorder=1 bootsource3=BootFmUSBKey bootorder=2 bootsource2=BootFmDisk bootorder=3 bootsource1=BootFmCd bootorder=4 bootsource4=BootFmNetwork1 bootorder=5 bootsource5=BootFmNetwork2 bootorder=6 </>hpiLO-> |
POST가 종료 되기 전, Boot Order를 변경 시도 하면 오류가 발생한다.
POST가 종료 되고 Boot Device에 대한 검색이 완료되면 변경이 가능해진다.
BIOS 또는 iLO GUI는 이와 관계없이 변경이 가능하다.