HW Knowledge/Hewlett-Packard Enterprise

e-fuse Reset for Synergy System

스쳐가는인연 2020. 2. 10. 21:54

e-fuse Reset of Synergy

Reset HPOVEnclosureDevice

To do.
1. HPE Oneview Powershell library 설치
a. Powershell 6.x 설치

b. POSH 모듈 설치
Note: 5.0 설치를 위해서는 Intenet이 가능해야 함
PS> Install-Module HPOneView.500 -verbose

c. POSH 모듈 로드
PS> Import-Module HPOneView.500 -verbose


2. Connect/Login to Oneview
PS 420> Connect-HPOVMgmt -Hostname <%Oneview_IP_Address or Hostname%> -UserName Administrator -Password <% Password %> -verbose
PS 420> Connect-HPOVMgmt -Hostname -UserName 'Administrator' -Password 'Password' -verbose
PS 500> Connect-HPOVMgmt -appliance CO1-SY12K.lab.net -UserName Administrator -Password Password

cf. Check Proxy
PS> Get-ItemProperty -Path 'HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings' | Select-Object ProxyServer, ProxyEnable

cf. IE Proxy set import for POSH
CMD> netsh winhttp import proxy source=ie
CMD> netsh winhttp set proxy ""

3. 장치 정보 확인
PS> Get-HPOVServer
PS> Get-HPOVEnclosure
PS> Get-HPOVInterconnect
PS> Get-HPOVInterconnect -Name "Frame 1, Interconnect 3"

4. Frame 변수지정 (e-fuse reset 대상 모듈이 장착된 Frame 정보)
PS> $Enclosure = Get-HPOVEnclosure -Name "Frame_Name" -ErrorAction Stop

5. efuse Reset
PS> Reset-HPOVEnclosureDevice -Enclosure $Enclosure -Component Device -DeviceID 1 -Efuse

Device bay 초기화
PS> Reset-HPOVEnclosureDevice -Enclosure $Enclosure -Component Device -DeviceID 9 -Efuse

ICM 초기화
PS> Reset-HPOVEnclosureDevice -Enclosure $Enclosure -Component ICM -DeviceID 3 -Efuse

-- Device : Compute
-- FLM : FLM
-- ICM : Interconnect Module
-- Appliance : Composer or ImageStreamer

PowerShell 6.2.4
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

Type 'help' to get help.

PS > Install-Module HPOneView.500

Untrusted repository
You are installing the modules from an untrusted repository. If you trust this repository, change its InstallationPolicy value by running
the Set-PSRepository cmdlet. Are you sure you want to install the modules from 'PSGallery'?
[Y] Yes [A] Yes to All [N] No [L] No to All [S] Suspend [?] Help (default is "N"): Y

PS > Import-Module HPOneView.500

PS > Connect-HPOVMgmt -appliance CO1-SY12K.lab.net -UserName Administrator -Password Password@123
WARNING: Parameter 'UserName' is obsolete.
WARNING: Parameter 'Password' is obsolete.

ConnectionID Name UserName AuthLoginDomain Default
------------ ---- -------- --------------- -------
1 CO1-SY12K.lab.net Administrator LOCAL True

PS > Get-HPOVEnclosure

Name Model State Serial Number Rack Enclosure Group Populated Bays
---- ----- ----- ------------- ---- --------------- --------------
FrameName SY12000 Configured FrameName EG_Test 4/12

PS > Get-HPOVServer

Name ServerName Status Power Serial Number Model ROM iLO Server Profile
---- ---------- ------ ----- ------------- ----- --- --- -------
FrameName, bay 1 localhost.lab.net OK Off CN_SN1 SY 480 Gen10 I42 v2.14 (09/05/2019) iLO5 1.46 sp_lossBootVol_Legacy
FrameName, bay 2 localhost.lab.net OK On CN_SN2 SY 480 Gen10 I42 v2.14 (09/05/2019) iLO5 1.46 Profile_Bay2
FrameName, bay 3 localhost.lab.net OK On CN_SN3 SY 480 Gen10 I42 v2.14 (09/05/2019) iLO5 1.46 Profile_Bay3
FrameName, bay 5 localhost.lab.net OK On SG_SN4 SY 480 Gen10 I42 v2.14 (09/05/2019) iLO5 1.46 Profile_Bay5

PS > Get-HPOVInterconnect -Name "FrameName, Interconnect 2"

Type: Interconnect

Name Status LogicalInterconnect State Power SerialNumber Firmware Model
---- ------ ------------------- ----- ----- ------------ -------- -----
FrameName, interconnect 2 OK N/A (Unmanaged) Monitored On IC_SN1 8.0.2c Brocade 16Gb/24 FC Switch Module Pwr Pk for Sy.

PS > Get-HPOVInterconnect -Name "FrameName, Interconnect 3"

Type: Interconnect

Name Status LogicalInterconnect State Power SerialNumber Firmware Model
---- ------ ------------------- ----- ----- ------------ -------- -----
FrameName, interconnect 3 OK LE_TEST-LIG_TEST_1 Configured On IC_SN3 Virtual Connect SE 40Gb F8 Module for Syner.

PS > Get-HPOVInterconnect -Name "FrameName, Interconnect 6"

Type: Interconnect

Name Status LogicalInterconnect State Power SerialNumber Firmware Model
---- ------ ------------------- ----- ----- ------------ -------- -----
FrameName, interconnect 6 OK LE_TEST-LIG_TEST_1 Configured On IC_SN6 Virtual Connect SE 40Gb F8 Module for Syner.

PS > $Enclosure = Get-HPOVEnclosure -Name "FrameName" -ErrorAction Stop

PS > Reset-HPOVEnclosureDevice -Enclosure $Enclosure -Component ICM -DeviceID 6 -Efuse

Are you sure you want to perform this action?
Performing the operation "Reset power for device" on target "ICM 6 within SGH913YCJB".
[Y] Yes [A] Yes to All [N] No [L] No to All [S] Suspend [?] Help (default is "Y"): Y

Appliance Name Owner Created Duration TaskState PercentComplet
--------- ---- ----- ------- -------- --------- --------------
CO1-SY12K.lab.net E-fuse interconnect bay 6 Administrator 2/8/2020 8:12:38 AM 00:00:01 Completed 100

PS > Get-HPOVInterconnect -Name "FrameName, Interconnect 6"

Type: Interconnect

Name Status LogicalInterconnect State Power SerialNumber Firmware Model
---- ------ ------------------- ----- ----- ------------ -------- -----
FrameName, interconnect 6 Warning LE_TEST-LIG_TEST_1 Maintenance Off IC_SN6 Virtual Connect SE 40Gb F8 Module for Syn.

PS > Reset-HPOVEnclosureDevice -Enclosure $Enclosure -Component ICM -DeviceID 6 -Efuse

if occur below error
Are you sure you want to perform this action?
Performing the operation "Reset power for device" on target "ICM 6 within FrameName".
[Y] Yes [A] Yes to All [N] No [L] No to All [S] Suspend [?] Help (default is "Y"): Y
Reset-HPOVEnclosureDevice : [Send-HPOVRequest]: The requested action cannot be performed because the resource has changed which indicates th
at it was recently modified by another operation. Restart this operation to ensure the current version of the resource is being used.
At line:1 char:1
+ Reset-HPOVEnclosureDevice -Enclosure $Enclosure -Component ICM -Devic ...
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : InvalidOperation: (Send-HPOVRequest:String) [Reset-HPOVEnclosureDevice], InvalidOperationException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : PRECONDITION_FAILED,Reset-HPOVEnclosureDevice

>> Restart PS console and reconnect to Oneview session
