RHEL8.x/Installing the SmartPQI Drivers from Source
System Information
DL360 Gen10 plus(SA P408i-a SR Gen10)
1. Set SW level with SPP2021.10.1.
System ROM 1.64 / IE / SPS / iLO 2.71 / SA 4.11 /
2. Install RHEL 8.2 and RHEL 8.4 / Tested
- Server with GUI
- Development Tools
3. Install additional packages
1) Install Prerequisites
a. configure yum repositories
b. Install packages
# yum install /tmp/epel-release-latest-8.noarch.rpm
# yum install kernel-debug-devel kernel-headers
4. Upgrade smartpqi driver
1) check current version
# dmesg|grep PQI
[ 1.992247] Microsemi PQI Driver (v1.2.10-025)
2) Download driver source
> code > download zip > It saved as "smartpqi-main.zip"
3) Install new driver from source
a. cp smartpqi-main.zip to /tmp
b. # unzip /tmp/smartpqi-main.zip
copy the directory to /usr/src/smartpqi-<driver_version>
Note DKMS does not support the "-" in the version number. Substitute with ".".
EX. cp -a smartpqi-1.0.4 /usr/src/smartpqi-
c. # mv /tmp/smartpqi-main /usr/src/smartpqi-
d. # cd /usr/src/smartpqi-
e. # make -f Makefile.alt
# pwd
# ls
dkms.conf modules.order smartpqi.4 smartpqi_kernel_compat.c smartpqi.mod.c smartpqi_sas_transport.o
LICENSE Module.supported smartpqi.h smartpqi_kernel_compat.h smartpqi.mod.o smartpqi_sis.c
Makefile Module.symvers smartpqi_init.c smartpqi_kernel_compat.o smartpqi.o smartpqi_sis.h
Makefile1 README.md smartpqi_init.o smartpqi.ko smartpqi_sas_transport.c smartpqi_sis.o
Note. backup orignial driver
# mv /lib/modules/`uname -r`/kernel/drivers/scsi/smartpqi/smartpqi.ko.xz \
/lib/modules/`uname -r`/kernel/drivers/scsi/smartpqi/smartpqi.ko.xz.org
Note. copy new driver
# cp /usr/src/smartpqi- /lib/modules/`uname -r`/kernel/drivers/scsi/smartpqi
# dracut -v -f --add-drivers smartpqi
# reboot
# dmesg |grep PQI
[ 1.707131] Microchip SmartPQI Driver (v2.1.20-035)
P.45 Installing the SmartPQI Drivers from Source